I would imagine that in the 63 countries where Peace Corps is currently operating, you aren't likely to find many volunteers serving with people they knew from before the Peace Corps- excluding married couples. I bet it would be even more difficult to find people who not only knew each other from before but are also good friends. Somehow I fit into the small minority.
When I applied for Peace Corps you weren't able to choose which country you wanted to serve in. You were able to express your interests, but the assignment was made for you. However, it was still nice to have a friend going through the application process at the same time as me. When we both received initial invitations to serve in Latin America and Africa, our respective niche areas of the world, it was not much of a surprise. However, it was more surprising when we both felt like those weren't the assignments for us and turned down the offers- within a week of each other. The biggest surprise came a month later we got our assignments, a day apart, and found out that we were both being sent to Georgia (the country). Seriously, what are the odds? (I'd like a stats person to figure that out for me.)
It's always been a nice coincidence that Mel and I were both posted in Georgia. That meant there was someone to fly to DC with me, someone who I could talk to during training when I needed to get away from all the new faces and just be with someone more familiar, someone whose house I could crash out whenever I was passing by. In a situation like the Peace Corps where you are thrown together with strangers while at the same time adjusting to a new life, you don't spend a lot of time getting to know who someone was, you just start from the point you first met and learn about who they are and focus on your experiences at had. I could tell you a lot about the other volunteers in my group, but very little of that would have anything to do with their pre Peace Corps life. When I say it is nice to have someone around who knows who I was and who I am, that is what I am getting at.
Having Mel here is especially useful for singing our favorite song
Anyways, it's always been a convenient thing. However this week I realized that not only was it conviennent, it was also planned. Given my beliefs I don't take "coincidence" lightly. The Sunday before our training a large snowstorm moved through Georgia. It dropped a couple inches on Tbilisi and made for some pretty pictures. The rest of the country got dumped on and the situation in the mountains out west became complicated as the snow piled up and froze. Mel had been planning on heading out west after our training but due to the snow she had to delay and later cancel her plans. That meant that the two of us ended up spending our Friday night together with several other volunteers chatting and dancing at some local bars before heading back to our hostels for the night.
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A rare Tbilisi snow storm |
4 hours later I found myself fumbling around to try and find my phone which was vibrating and causing all too much noise for 6:30 in the morning. When I saw that it was Randi calling I was confused (and annoyed by the inconvenient timing). Still trying to not wake anyone else up I answered the phone and let out a grunt to let her know what I was listening- though half asleep. My heart dropped as she broke the news that Mel's father had just passed away. A few minutes later I was out the door, still in my sweats, and headed to the hostel a block over where she was staying.
The next moments all happened so fast. There was lots of hugging and crying- I haven't cried that much in a long time. It was a nightmare, but it was a nightmare that was unfolding in the best possible way.
Peace Corps was notified early one and events were set into motion to get Mel home as soon as possible. A driver came and took us to her site where we began to hastily gather some belongings for her to take home. Neither of us wanted to bump into her host family and have to explain the situation.
Next, we found ourselves in the Peace Corps office and were greeted by the country director (CD) and the director of ops and management, who had both dropped everything to come into the office early on their day off. They were hard at work figuring out logistics while Mel and I ate donuts and rested.
The rest of the day was mostly waiting for Mel's flight that evening. We went to lunch with the CD and his wife and did some shopping, and then it was time for the airport. I was able to stay with Mel until we got to security and then I had to send her off to face the 40 hours of solo travel until she would make it to Utah.
Just like that I was snapped back to my reality, standing in the airport in my sweats. I got in the car and headed back to town. I met with some PCVs for some business, we had a small party at the airbnb I was staying in that night, and when everyone finally headed out for the night I fell into bed and passed out.
It's been a unique experience to reflect back on. I often feel guilty because it wasn't my world that came crashing down, I just got to step into the experience for a brief while. Despite the guilt and other emotions that still poke up, I am also amazed. I am astounded by how it all came together so perfectly. Of course I was meant to be in Georgia at the same time my friend would need someone who knew her. Better yet, we would be sleeping in the same city only a block apart rather than the usual 200 miles. Of course it worked out so well- it was planned.
I am also amazed by the people who have become family here. So many people dropped what they were doing to lend their support. Many volunteers called, text, and checked in with me. Alex even brought me ice cream. For all the craziness that is this world- politics, terrorism, war, and conflict; there also is a lot of love, compassion, and goodwill. It is nice to be reminded of that.
I am going on 10 months in Georgia, and I still don't have it all figured out. There are many things that I hope to accomplish. However, on this one Saturday, it was nice to feel that I know that I was in the right place at the right time. It is nice to know one of the many reasons why I am here.
This is amazing. Thank you for sharing. I hope things are going well over there for you!