Monday, January 18, 2016

Wishing the Holidays Would Never End

Hello my name is Logan, and I just liked the Tasty and Tip Hero (those pages on facebook that put out the 30 sec. recipe videos). I have resisted for the longest time, but I can't help it any longer. The videos show up in my newsfeed anyways, I might as well see them by choice. Each one inspires a sense of nostalgia and longing in me. A longing for days when cooking wasn't so complicated and a visit to one store was sufficient for gathering ingredients. Alas, shopping at the bazar is what I get; how bazar, how bazar. (You'd better get the 90s reference.)

Sneaking pics in the bazar while I shop

Winter vacation is finally coming to a close. Tomorrow is "Enlightenment Day" and then it's back to the daily grind- except for the training I have next week, and the two committee meetings in February, and the other training in a month. It looks like I might just survive winter after all, March will be here before I know it.

The past ten days haven't been the most exciting but the relaxation has been very welcome. In honor of the zen that has come with these past few days, I thought I might recount my time with a series of haikus (the only form of poetry I am really ever capable of putting together). Without further adieu I present:

The End of my Winter Holidays

Back to the Georgia
Taxi drivers everywhere
I won't pay that fare!

A more peaceful representation of the scene

December 7th
It's Christmas in the village
Too much food and wine

A fancy version of a supra- Thanks google images!

Skra school was a dump
Now they're fixing her all up
Practically brand new

Come April she'll be good as new

Head back to the West
Not sad to miss all the snow
Poti feels like home

Stole from Randi- thanks for documenting it in my absence 

Heaters are vital
Too bad mine blew up on me
Sparks and flames er'where

Not the real fire, but what it looked like in my head for 5 sec

Work from home all day
Watching movies as I work
Projects coming soon

I should really make one of these for the Peace Corps...

Happy Old New Year
How do you celebrate it?
I just made tacos

In honor of making tacos with Alex
First day back to school
It's a Friday, no one comes
One more extra day

If only my classroom was this nice

Back to TBS
Six months to plan our boys' camp
Can we find the funds?

Our actual camp logo, and the crew from last year
I hate marshutkas
More than five hours each way
I'm gonna be sick

By the time I'm done, half of my service will have been spent inside a marshutka

Eat your beans today!
A holiday tomorrow
Last day of my break

Tradition is that you have to eat all the beans today, there can't be any beans in the home tomorrow. 

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